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My Education

I lived in the Ferndale, Michigan school district for my entire K-12 education. I began at Wilson elementary school for grades K-6. Then I went to Coolidge Jr. High for seventh and eighth grade. I finished my secondary education at Ferndale High School where I was enrolled in a variety of college prep and A.P. courses. I graduated from Ferndale High in 1996 and went on to Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo.

At Western, I began my college career working on a degree in forensic anthropology. I was three years into the program before I decided that that line of work was not for me. I joined the education program in 1999.
Western is a wonderful school for the field of education. We are given extensive training in math, science, and another minor of our choosing. I chose English. By the time I graduate, I will have had one full semester as a pre-intern teacher and another semester as an intern teacher while I do my student teaching.
I have also been a member of the Lee Honor's College (pictured above) for the entire time I have been at Western. The Honor's College has given me the opportunity to take challenging courses that are not available for the entire student body.
I believe that Western has prepared me for a fulfilling and productive teaching career. Please feel free to click on the above picture for more information about WMU.